Life isn’t easy and although I firmly believe that life is deeply good….I’ve faced some serious storms lately and more than once I’ve found myself staring at the guy I shave with with nothing left in me.

On one such morning, not long ago, I managed to move past the stare-down in the mirror and as I gathered my things to head to work, one of my perceptive and caring college-ages kids took notice and asked what was in the heavy load so obviously on my shoulders. Transparently I shared that there were some ways I was feeling like a failure….broken and struggling to find hope (a humbling truth to share with my daughter). She offered sincere encouragement and then her face brightened as she looked in my hand and saw a bright yellow banana. “You’re not a failure, Dad….failures don’t pack bananas.” She said with a smirk.

My load shifted- it may not have gotten lighter but it definitely wasn’t resting with the same unrelenting pull.
What did it mean?
There were genuine things to be sad about and there were real parts of life that were broken, but in the midst of it all, I made a small choice for my good and for my health- to grab a banana.
Even in the big lows….the valley of the shadow…. the good decisions we make all day every day, are not undone. Who we are is not dictated by the circumstances and challenges we face. Our small decisions to advocate for our good and take incremental steps towards health and healing and learning and connection and joy…..they all matter.
Failures don’t do those things…..but you and I do.
Even in rough seasons that beat us down….we pack bananas.
